Although many LGBT seniors have become outspoken and articulate about their orientation, being placed in the custody of people who may not be accessible to—or trained in dealing with—the LGBT culture puts them at greater risk of bigotry, alienation, and violence.
Home is also the only place where LGBT people feel relaxed and homecare is the best solution for them.
The difficulty to seeking professional, caring, non-discriminatory treatment is to locate providers and organizations with the right mindset to care about those of a different sexual identity.
“LGBT seniors have had to deal with home care providers and caregivers that have rejected, made, violated, or attempted to transform under-standard services—an insensitive and dangerous behavior. They are less likely to report harassment to law enforcement authorities or adult welfare agencies because they risk being “extinguished” by their caregivers.
Via Home Treatment
• Have training for staff about how to communicate with the LGBT community, including cultural competencies.
• Provide seniors with the ability to claim their sexual identity on their applications.
• Include “gender identification or language” (or “gender identity”) and “sexual orientation” as protected identities, in addition to other federally protected classes, in non-discrimination laws.